5 Reasons to Buy a Home in Fall/Winter πŸ‘

1.  Less Competition

Some may find it silly but a good majority of buyers do not want to house shop or worry about moving in single-digit temperatures.  In addition to the weather wimps (which in all honesty is probably most of us given the choice), families prefer to be settled in by the time school starts and for the holidays.  Being that the Colorado Springs area is home to several military installations, most service members (or at least their families) have tried to relocate over the summer months.

These factors pose a HUGE opportunity to buy.  In a competitive market, such as ours, weeding out any competition is a great plan!

The Pikes Peak Association of Realtors 2018 numbers revealed the following:
These numbers clearly illustrate that buyers will have more competition in the 2nd and 3rd quarters than in the 1st and 4th.

Sure, more summer inventory means a better chance at finding your "dream home" but the chances of buying any home goes down.

2.  Sellers are Motivated

Most likely, anyone listing their home in the colder months seriously wants to sell.  They, like you, are dreading the idea of moving in the winter but may not have a choice.  Sellers listing over the holidays may also have to sacrifice their favorite obnoxious decorations and hosting elaborate parties.

This doesn't mean you should low-ball or make unreasonable requests.  You may end up sabotaging the entire deal, work with your agent to come up with an appropriate negotiation strategy.

3.  Curb Un-Appeal

This is like comparing the first date to years of dating.  Winter puts stress on a home giving you a great opportunity to see the house at its worst.  How does the house look with bare shrubs and trees?  Does the home seem cold and drafty, possibly needing new windows or better insulation?  How well does the furnace work?  Is the driveway going to be a pain to shovel?  You get the idea.

4.  Moving Help, Made Easy

No one can claim moving, in general, is easy and that goes especially for the colder months.  However, certain things can be made easier when you aren't competing with hundreds of other moving households.  Movers usually aren't booked solid for weeks or months.  You might even be able to negotiate the rates.  Just be sure to be flexible and reserve a couple of days window incase your moving day falls on the next bomb cyclone.

5.  Last Minute Tax Savings

The holidays are really your last chance to get those extra deductions.  Property taxes and mortgage interest is the most common benefit but before you get too excited, talk to a tax professional.

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