5 Reasons to Sell a Home in Fall/Winter πŸ™Œ

1.  Low Inventory Means Less Competition

With the spring and summer selling season over the competition is slim.  This gives you the best opportunity to highlight your home's best features.  Since buyers have fewer options to choose from, your home will stand out!

2.  Show-Off Your Homes Winter Warmth

The colder months are the best time to showcase a cozy home.  So light the fireplace, bring out the fall and winter scents, put a simple throw blanket over the arm of a couch or chair.  This also allow buyers the opportunity to see how the home handles the elements.

3.  Buyers are Serious

A hard buyer truth is that in some cases you have no choice but to move in the colder months.  This poses a great opportunity for sellers.  Since buyers looking this time of year tend to be more motivated and less "just-looking" you are more likely to snag a buyer and get to closing!

4.  Make a Play on Holiday Bonuses

End of the year financial bonuses or workers retiring with large payouts means some people have more money to enter the housing market.  This could inspire a non-buyer into a serious-buyer.

5.  Moving

When considering selling a home in the colder months, the dread of moving comes to mind.  However, when you aren't competing with hundreds of other moving households.  Movers usually aren't booked solid for weeks or months.  You might even be able to negotiate the rates.  Just be sure to be flexible and reserve a couple of days window incase your moving day falls on the next bomb cyclone.

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